Thursday, December 15, 2005
If your company is not aggressively conducting efforts that will increase your search engine traffic, then it is time to get in the game!

Otherwise, your competitors will continue to eat away at your market share, welcoming paying customers to purchase their products/services right in front of your very own eyes. Can your company afford to not catch up to your Internet savvy competition?

The writing is on the wall.

The popularity, convenience and usefulness of search engines cannot be denied. Google and Yahoo are everyday information sources, much like CBS, ABC and NBC. Search engine usage is second only to email when it comes to the most popular activities performed by Internet users (Pew Internet study). Americans conduct more than 4 billion searches each month. Some research indicates that "searching" may overtake email as the number one action taken by an Internet user. As more and more U.S. households not only hook up to the Internet, but go high-speed, their online activities will increase; thus reducing their exposure to television, print media, and other channels used by traditional advertisers. If your company is accustomed to traditional advertising and behind "the search engine curve," it is time to take action. Look into the crystal ball of wireless communications and its ability to put search in the hands of every cell phone user in the world today! It's already here and on the brink of explosion; if you're company does not ready itself, it will be passed by.

Over the past couple of years, one of the most important questions about the benefits of search engine optimization (SEO) is the value and profitability it can yield for a company. Fortunately, many reputable third parties have conducted extensive surveys and released their findings for public consumption; comparing search marketing performance to other popular marketing and advertising vehicles:

  • According to research from Georgia Tech, 85% of Internet users find websites and products through search engines. In fact, nearly 55% of online purchases originate from search.

  • U.S. Bancorp's Piper Jaffray has estimated the average cost to acquire a new customer is:

  • - Search Engine Optimization - $8.50 per new customer

    - Yellow Page Advertising - $20 per new customer

    - Email Marketing - $60 per new customer

    - Direct Mail Campaigns - $70 per new customer

    - Acquisition costs for television advertising were not available, due in part to the inability to track ROI.

  • Piper Jaffray also reported on the costs associated with lead generation:

  • - Search Engine Optimization - $0.29/lead

    - Email Marketing - $0.50/lead

    - Yellow Page Advertising - $1.18/lead

    - Banner Advertising - $2.00/lead

    - Direct Mail Campaigns - $9.94/lead

  • A July 2005 MarketingSherpa IT Benchmark Study received feedback from over 800 IT marketers about the most effective lead generation strategies out of 18 mainstream practices. It found:

  • - The most effective lead generation practice was in person seminars/road shows (33% of respondents communicated it was very effective).

    - The second most effective lead generation strategy was search engine optimization (25% of respondents communicated it was very effective). The value of search engine optimization has proven itself to be a "must-do," when it comes to lead generation in all industries.

    - Paid Search Advertising (or PPC) came in seventh in the study.

    The sheer act of a search is one of, if not, the most direct methods a user/buyer can make. The customer is asking for your product, service, or company offering. No other marketing medium can provide this type of qualified buyer, in such quantity. The ability to be in front of individuals who are requesting information is a marketer's dream. Why not make that dream a reality and organically position your company's website atop the major search engines?

    How do you get in the game?

    Now that you are drooling over the potential search can have for your business, the million dollar question is "How do we get to the top?" For a company that is going to allocate a budget to search engine optimization, it is absolutely critical that you research third party providers that specialize in search engine optimization. Simply reading a website or doing a search on Google for "search engine optimization" is not the answer; it's a start but you have to filter through the clever marketing pitches of SEO companies. Try established sources like SearchEngineWatch.com or MarketingSherpa.com. Look for a provider that not only offers you the fundamentals of ethical SEO, but more importantly customized solutions, short-term contracts, proprietary technologies, and has a passion for results-based search engine optimization. The SEO provider should put as much skin in the game as the customer, especially during an initial service engagement, until results, value, and confidence have been established.

    If you're thinking about putting the responsibilities of search engine optimization on your in-house marketing team or technical team...think again! MarketingSherpa's 2nd Annual Search Marketing Survey, of over 3,200 marketers asked the question: How do search agencies and consultancies differ from in-house search marketers? The reported data compared results that were achieved over a six month period with both in-house teams and search agencies. The results found an SEO agency-optimized website experienced a 110% increase in traffic over six months while in-house-optimized websites experienced only a 38% increase in traffic. That is nearly three times more traffic in only a six month span, in favor of the expertise of SEO agencies!!

    What's happening with your marketing?

    How easily can you track and confirm bottom-line success from newspapers, yellow pages, radio, television, and other traditional vehicles? This can prove to be a nightmare for marketers that need to report back to the higher-ups on the success of their active marketing campaigns. The Internet, especially search engines, provides you with all of the information you can absorb and then some. Every finite detail, from revenues to geographic origins of your traffic, can be tracked, reported, and analyzed. This gives marketers tremendous insight and comprehension into what's working and if they should increase/decrease online marketing efforts. Analytics packages are available at nominal costs and increased competition in this space has provided marketers with a reasonable point of entry. Your search engine optimization provider should include analytics with its services, but be diligent in your research of the tool provided. It should be able to monitor traffic, visitor click paths, goal achievement, referring sources of traffic, search engine performance, cross-channel tracking, conversions, and ideally revenues and campaign profitability.

    Welcome search with open arms.

    As high-speed Internet adoption continues to increase on American soil and as Google, Yahoo, MSN and others continue the race for international dominance, the value of search engines is destined to become greater for companies competing in the online marketplace. If your company's marketing and advertising strategies just aren't cutting the mustard and are stagnant look to search engine optimization to fuel its success. Your customers are searching for you…are they finding you?

    Tuesday, December 13, 2005
    Web Statistics for Dummies

    Do you know how to use referrers to increase your traffic? How to increase your conversions? This article is the second in our series on learning how to analyse and understand your web site's statistics. The goal of this series is to help you increase your site's revenue.

    Part one was about using your sales statistics to enhance your web business Part two is about using your referrer statistics to increase traffic, ranking, and conversions.

    Part 2: Referrers

    A referrer is a website that directly sends you traffic. The bulk of your traffic is referred by search engines, but other sites send you traffic as well. These referring sites will help you increase your position in search engines because by linking to you, they are essentially "voting" for your site. The search engines take these "votes", and count them towards how popular your site is. The more popular the site, the higher the site will rank on a search. Of course it is not that simple; content actually plays a more important role, but everything should be taken into consideration when fighting for your hard-earned placement within the search engines.

    Referring domains

    So to get back to our main point: How can you use referring sites to help you make more money? Simple. By looking at your statistics, and finding out who is linking to you, you can see trends or patterns and capitalize on your site's strengths. For example, if you sell real estate, who is linking to you? Local businesses? Government sites? Other real estate sites? Is it only sites you have swapped links with or are there a pleasant amount of unexpected sites linking to you as well?

    If you do not have many sites linking to you, than maybe you should consider posting more useful information on your site. Try to make your site useful for anyone who wants to know about your industry (not just potential customers) by writing new informational pages. This will do two things:

    Your potential customers can find out about your industry without leaving your site, thus increasing your site's professionalism and usefulness.

    Other sites in your industry will start seeing your site as a useful resource to link to. You will become a leader in sharing information about the industry online.

    This can only lead to more links, more traffic, and ultimately more people talking about your site.

    Exchanging links is a good idea too, but it should only be done if the site is appropriate to link to. Do not link to sites that are unprofessional, or sites that are just a gathering of links (link farms); it will make your site lose its authority.

    Finally, there are directories. Directories like dmoz.org will link to you if you have good useful content on your site. Even if people do not actually search for your site on those directories the links from them tend to propagate your site throughout the web. Take your time and read the directory's instructions carefully before submitting. If you submit to them haphazardly, they will simply ignore you.


    Search Engine Referrers

    Looking at your site's statistics, you can find out which search engines are sending you the most traffic. Usually the search engines that show up in statistics are Google, Yahoo, MSN, and Ask Jeeves. Find out with search engine sends you the most traffic, then take a look at what keyphrases the surfers are using to find you. These keyphrases will tell you what your clients are looking for. For example, here at Red Carpet Web Promotion, we get a lot of searches for carpets. Obviously we do not want or need this traffic, but due to our name it cannot be avoided. For us, it is important to keep track of this "carpet" traffic because it skews our numbers. If traffic doubles one month, is that because our position for "carpets" went up, or is it because our position for "web promotion" went up? It is important for us to figure this out, because if our position for "web promotion" went up but we did not get more sales, than we would need to update our web site to convert these potential clients into paying customers.

    By verifying the keyphrases that people are finding you with, you will better understand why people are coming to your site. If you are a plumber and most people find you with the keyphrase "sump pumps", you'd do best to make sure your site, or the section of your site they are arriving at, offers them sump pumps! Likewise, if they are coming from a site that is referring you as a great deep well repair man, than make sure that that section of your site promotes your deep well repairing skills.


    Look at your stats regularly, see where your traffic is coming from, and make sure your site caters to these people. If they are coming looking for sump pumps and you do not sell sump pumps, either start selling them, or sell something of value to these people. If you do offer the product that these people are looking for, but they are not buying, than figure out why. Is it your price? Is the shopping cart too complicated? Do people not see the "Buy a Sump Pump Here" link? Figure it out and fix it fast, because the Internet is so fickle that your "sump pump" traffic might be gone next week, and you would have missed out on the easy jackpot.


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